10x is Easier Than 2x

Happy May! Have you all been as busy as I have? Well, let me rephrase that. My life has felt really busy, but I can’t always tell if I’m actually busy… or I think I’m busy. And if I’m truly busy, am I busy doing the things that really matter, or if it’s filled with things that just… suck up time?

I recently listened to a book called 10x is Easier Than 2x on Audible. I was interested in this because I’ve been wanting to expand my business. But as I started learning more about the book, I realized there are so many ways to use this concept. Not only does it apply to business, but you can also apply it to your health, your relationships, your happiness, etc.  

Here’s the biggest takeaway for me from the book, and if it intrigues you, you should check out the book: you can work your way to 2x your life, but you can’t personally 10x your life. You need other people.  

I’ve always prided myself on how hard I worked growing up. As I’ve built my business, I thought if I just put in a little more work, a few more hours, and slept a little bit less, I could make it to the next level. However, continuous hard work leads to the body breaking down over time. But what if I wanted to jump 10 levels higher? I will literally die before I can grind myself there. So, for that to happen, I need the help and support of other people. 

In addition to needing the support, 2xing your life could involve any number of ways to achieve that goal. This can be another barrier—analysis paralysis. There have been so many times I’ve tried to pick a show on Netflix, only to turn it off and go to bed because I just spent the last hour adding more shows to my list instead of watching a show. But to 10x your life? There are so few options, maybe only one, to choose from.  

For example, if I wanted to lose 5 pounds, how could I do it? What diet would I choose? What exercise regimen do I need? Honestly, I think any and all diets and exercise regimens would get me the result. Now, what if I wanted to lose 50 pounds? I need to be stricter and more disciplined about my diet and how often I work out.

What if I wanted to focus on my mental health and overall wellness? If I just wanted to feel a little better, there are so many different things I could do. I need a walk here, a little yoga there, and maybe some meditation when I can fit it in. But what if I was diagnosed with Depression and wanted to get off the meds? To me, that would be a 10x improvement, right? I would be a lot more disciplined about exercise, controlling what thoughts are going on in my head, taking medications as needed and prescribed, and looking at my sleep, diet, social life, etc. 

In many ways, 10xing your life means you have absolute clarity on what you want out of life, which then helps you lay out the plan to execute it. 

So, here’s my question for you. I’ve asked you about your goals at the beginning of the year. Now, I want you to 10x those goals. Sit with it and think about it. What would you do differently starting today if you were to work on achieving that goal?

Let me know your answers. You know where to find me.

Coach Kev helps people find calm, clarity, and confidence in their life while working on 10xing his life. Contact him at kevinkoocoaching@gmail.com, or follow on IG and YouTube @kevinkoocoaching and come meditate with him at https://bit.ly/kkcmeditation

Kevin Koo

Kevin Koo is a professional coach who specializes in personal, business, and leadership development. Contact him at kevinkoocoaching@gmail.com


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