9/11 Remembrance Ceremony

Last Monday, September 11, a Remembrance Ceremony was held at the Castro Valley Veteran’s Memorial.

Led by VFW Post 9601, Castro Valley, along with the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department, California Highway Patrol and the Alameda County Fire Department, members of past and present Military and First Responders and guests, Post Commander Chris Bokamper, Post Chaplain Bruce Bennett, and Past Post Commander Steve West officiated at the Remembrance Ceremony.

The  keynote speaker was Past EBMUD Director Frank Mellon, who focused on what it meant and still means to be an American and the pride we can and should have to live in the United States of America.

The Ceremony reminded all present not to forget that day twenty-two years ago when our great country was attacked and more than 2800 innocent Americans and almost 300 First Responders were killed.

The service included a moment of silence and the reading of President Biden’s Proclamation.

All three agencies of First Responders present played vital roles in the ceremony, and were recognized for their service to all of us to keep us safe.


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