Autism Training Available for First Responders
“Put your hands up!” is a common command given by law enforcement, to which most people respond immediately.
However, someone with a processing delay or limited communication abilities, such as an individual with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), may not respond promptly—or at all. This can occur because individuals with ASD sometimes require more time to process information and respond, which can be exacerbated by stress or a crisis.
To address this issue, Joshua's Gift, a local nonprofit that supports the needs of families with autism, offers specialized training to first responders and law enforcement officers through their program CODE JOSHUA. These trainings help first responders recognize and appropriately respond to situations involving individuals on the autism spectrum or those with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).
CODE JOSHUA trainees are taught the skills to understand these individuals' specific needs, help them effectively de-escalate potentially tense encounters, promote safety, and foster mutual understanding. The goal is to ensure that interactions are conducted with compassion, dignity, and respect, helping improve individuals' safety and well-being during emergencies.
Joshua’s Gift has also created the CODE JOSHUA registry, a distinctive alert system designed to provide emergency support for individuals and families affected by autism. This voluntary registry allows members of the autism community to register their personal information, and in the event of a 911 call involving an individual with autism or an IDD, dispatchers can quickly access the CODE JOSHUA database to check if the person is registered. If the individual is in the system, essential information can be shared with first responders to assist in their response and approach.
“Through our CODE JOSHUA training, first responders gain valuable insights into the daily challenges individuals with autism may face in different environments,” Co-founder and CEO Mizpah Brown-Rich says. “Officers develop improved communication skills when interacting with individuals on the autism spectrum, resulting in fewer misunderstandings and reduced escalation of situations. This is the goal we aim to achieve with our training programs.”
If you feel your agency may benefit from CODE JOSHUA’s training, please email them at: