Become a Leader, Avoid These Four Excuses

Last time we talked about how all of us are or can be leaders. All we need to do is influence one person, and we become a leader.  If it’s so simple, then why aren’t more people leaders? I’m glad you asked. Here are some common excuses and why you should avoid them:

I’m not a born leader: Most people tend to think leaders are born with the ability to lead, and then there’s the rest of us. For this reason, some people don’t even toy with the idea of being a leader.  While there are obviously people who are born with the talent, there are many more people who do not have the born ability that are in leadership roles, so this reason doesn’t hold up.

The title and seniority determine who’s a leader: Some people think leadership is a title and a position. I’m curious though, how many of you have had bad bosses? I feel like everyone has at least one bad boss story, which proves that the title doesn’t actually mean anything right?

Work experience will automatically make me a leader: Another common misconception is that experience will turn into leadership. I’ve seen so many times that people get promoted because they’re good at their job, only to end up incompetent as a manager (consider the phrase “Peter Principle” as an example of this). The problem is doing a job well doesn’t mean you know how to make others successful.

I’m waiting to get the position to start developing as a leader: This one frustrates me the most because I hate waiting! I want it and I want it now! (I sound like Veruca Salt from the “Willy Wonka” film). Leading is no different. We already talked about how the position does not make you a leader, and obviously waiting to start will not make you a leader either. If you ever considered being a leader, do it now.

Did any of these reasons resonate with you? If so, I hope you’re willing to reconsider your situation. I really believe that if we all became leaders, we’re able to become that the world would be in a better place because good leadership leads to better situations for everyone. Don’t know what I mean? I’ll explain in the next installment.

Kevin Koo is a professional life coach who specializes in personal, business, and leadership goal setting. 

Kevin Koo

Kevin Koo is a professional coach who specializes in personal, business, and leadership development. Contact him at


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