Castro Valley Women’s Club Names Officers
The 2021-22 board of Castro Valley Women’s Club – Elisabeth Hartman, Linda Perotti, Lois Ingellis, Martha Maxson, and Carolyn Darcey.
The Castro Valley Women’s Club’s activities were restricted because of the pandemic, but the club met monthly via Zoom and view presentations with a variety of speakers and topics.
At one meeting, Spectrum Community Services spoke on what type of support is available to seniors. Attorney Joan Grimes presented information on estate planning, and representatives from Eden Hospital discussed COVID and its impact on our community.
A highlight was the Zoom Christmas celebration performed by the talented Madrigal Singers from Castro Valley High School.
The pandemic did not allow us to raise funds for local causes. However, the Club was able to award $1,000 scholarships to three outstanding Castro Valley High School seniors – Ashley Fang, Cassie Vaughn, and Kelly Yu.
In May, the 2021-2022 officers of the Castro Valley Women’s Club were installed – Carolyn Darcey, President; Martha Maxson, 1st Vice President; Lois Ingellis, 2nd Vice President; Linda Perotti, Secretary; Elisabeth Hartman, Treasurer.
The club is looking forward to having meetings in person, and invites women who wish to promote and enhance the civic, cultural, education, and environmental health of the community while forming strong bonds of friendship. If you are interested, call Cheryl Uithoven at 510-258-1755.