COVID Cases Rise, Masks Back On

Health officials are asking the public to put their masks back on in certain places and take precautions against contracting or spreading COVID and other respiratory illnesses as we begin the winter months.

Alameda County Public Health Department changed its position on Community COVID standards last Friday as daily reported COVID-19 cases, and hospitalizations are rising rapidly. As of December 8, the seven-day average case rate is 21 cases per 100,000 residents, and 149 residents are in the hospital with COVID-19.

“We have observed worsening increases in COVID-19 case reports and hospitalizations since October,” Alameda County Health Officer Dr. Nicholas Moss said in a statement. “Taking actions like masking and staying home when sick can prevent spreading illnesses like COVID-19, flu, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and help protect our health care system from strain.”

The County’s mandate reinstates universal masking requirements for all staff and residents at homeless, emergency, and cooling and heating centers. The mandate is also in effect for correctional and detention facilities. Indoor masking continues to be required for everyone in healthcare settings and long-term care facilities, regardless of vaccination status. Residents at risk for severe illness and their household members are recommended to wear masks in crowded indoor public places.

COVID-19 spreads through the air, and residents who are not masking should now consider wearing high-quality, well-fitting masks again to reduce the risk of infection. Masks protect both the wearer and those around them. Children under age 2 should not mask.

Health officials say everyone 6 months and older should also get their annual flu vaccination now. No vaccination is available for RSV, but masking, washing hands often for 20 seconds at a time, and covering coughs and sneezes add layers of protection against RSV and flu.

Free medication to prevent hospitalization is available to most adults and some teens with symptoms (even mild) and a positive COVID-19 test. More suggestions can be found online at: or by calling Alameda County’s Community Support line at 510-268-2101.


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