CV Realtor Receives Community Citizenship Award

Castro Valley realtor Louise Lovewell proudly holds her Community Citizenship Award.

Louise Lovewell, a realtor with Re/MAXAccord in Castro Valley recently received the Community Citizenship Award given by Re/MAX International based in Denver, Colorado. Louise was selected to win this annual award out of 14,955 agents in the western United States. 

The journey for this award began in the 1980s when Louise started as a dinner cook, bought and delivered food for the San Leandro Women’s Shelter, and served on their inaugural Board of Directors where she later became the Board Chairperson. She continued to sponsor fundraising events for the shelter and for her church and school.

Ten years ago, Lovewell extended her commitment to the community when she began neighborhood food drives for the Alameda County Food Bank. She reportedly brings in between 2000 to 2500 lbs. of food every year to help the San Leandro area communities. In  2021, her team collected 4,780 lbs. of food. As if that weren’t enough, a few years ago, she began bringing weekly lunch to serve volunteers at San Leandro-based Dig Deep Farms, a community commercial kitchen and distribution center.

"In this time of need, it’s so rewarding to see folks giving back to the community and it’s apparent why Louise was awarded this special award," said Re/MAX Accord Sales Manager Judy Rose.


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