CV Resident, CHP Officer Speaks at Inner Wheel Club

Inner Wheel Club of San Leandro recently had its first 2022-23 general meeting at Harry's Hofbrau. President Linda Mahadevan opened the meeting with our special guest California Highway Patrol Officer Dan Jacowitz. Officer Jacowitz honorably serves the public in many capacities as the Public Information Officer, Senior Volunteer Program, Safety Service Program and oversees many other CHP outreach programs. As a Castro Valley resident he’s also involved in the community and school district. Officer Jacowitz honorably shared the mission of the CHP is to provide the highest level of Safety, Service, and Security. Thank you for your service, Officer Jacowitz!

Upcoming special events for IW Club of San Leandro are the Friendship Luncheon, Chili Cook-Off, Holiday Luncheon, Founder's Day Brunch. Fundraising for our philanthropic projects continues throughout the year. Bay Area Women Against Rape, Children's Hospital, IWUSA Foundation-Myoelectric Limb Project continue to top our list of fundraising joys. Please join us next month at our new meeting location San Leandro Main Library October 17-11:30am. Email for more information about Inner Wheel.


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