CVHS Secretary Honored as Employee of the Year

Debbie Rose, Castro Valley High School’s secretary to the principal, was acknowledged last week as a Classified Employee of the Year by the Alameda County Office of Education (ACOE).

Ms. Rose has worked at Castro Valley High School for 18 years. Her professionalism and dedicated experience allow her to navigate changes and challenges with wisdom and poise while providing support and guidance to new and veteran individuals working on various teams on campus.

Ms. Rose is described as the go-to for all site secretaries because her wealth of knowledge extends to many offices and rooms on campus. As the principal’s secretary, she encounters students daily and helps them feel comfortable by providing a safe space to express their needs and concerns. She also acts as a liaison with families who contact the school for information. She easily navigates these interactions by supporting all individuals who reach out. Debbie is described as being Castro Valley High School’s “rock.”

All 18 of Alameda County’s public school districts nominated standout employees in occupational specialties designated by the California Department of Education (CDE). Ms. Rose is Castro Valley Unified School District’s recipient.

“These honorees are undeniably committed and go above and beyond to make sure students have what they need to be successful," said Alameda County Superintendent of Schools Alysse Castro. “Their essential roles ensure students have healthy meals, reliable transportation, and safe campuses that create conditions where students can thrive.”


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