CVSan to Honor its Top Recycling Partners

Castro Valley's sanitary provider says it will acknowledge those local businesses that are doing their part to cut back on waste at an event this Friday.

CVSan certifies businesses in Castro Valley that provide evidence of business practices that meet the 4Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot (compost). Some examples are things like buying items in bulk, following an environmentally preferable purchasing policy, reusing items such as shipping and storage containers, purchasing used furniture, or planting a bay-friendly garden.

A list of those 4R Star businesses is posted at

To acknowledge the contribution of its recycling all-stars, CVSan is hosting a gathering at Devout Coffee at Lake Chabot Public Market on Friday, October 14 between 7:30 and 9:00 a.m. Employees of these 4R Star partners can enjoy complimentary coffee, pastries, fun giveaways, and an opportunity to promote their business.

"Let’s celebrate the work of stellar employees who help reduce waste at our 4R Star businesses," Castro Valley Sanitary District Administrative Technician Purvi Solanki told the Forum.

While residents are often reminded to do their part in recycling and reducing waste, businesses contribute a significant amount to the county's landfill. In 2017, the commercial and business community sent 3,307 tons to landfill, recycled 1,029 tons, and composted 1,134 tons, resulting in 40% diversion of discards from landfill. That's an increase from a 23% diversion in 2013, according to CVSan data.   

By 2029, CVSan said it wants its business and commercial customers to reach Zero Waste levels. That means designing and managing products and processes to avoid and eliminate the volume and toxicity of waste and materials, conserve and recover all resources, and not burn or bury them.


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