Florida Marlin Draftee Alex Williams Visits RCMS

On October 27, the Redwood Christian Middle School Fall Baseball team was visited by Alex Williams, 2022 Florida Marlin draftee and Stanford graduate, and 2018 Redwood Christian High School graduate. Alex surprised the players and used his time with them encouraging them with a motivational speech focused on keeping their priorities in line, working hard and not getting discouraged. He also helped run practice for the day. Coach Scott Skjong stated that Alex was “real inspiration and positive roll model for the young athletes.” When thanked for coming, Alex responded “Of course, I’m glad I could stop by. I remember how awesome it was for me when AJ did the same thing!” AJ Vanegas, like Williams, attended Redwood Christian Schools from kindergarten through graduating from Redwood Christian High School in 2010, graduated from Stanford and played in the LA Dodgers organization.


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