Foundation Fundraiser for a Sound Cause

Fleetwood Mask’s performance this past Saturday is one of two major fundraisers hosted by the Castro Valley Arts Foundation (CVAF) to help purchase a new sound system this year.

The Center for the Arts (CFA) is a partnership between the CVAF and the Castro Valley Unified School District, which owns and operates the Center. The Foundation also sponsors music and theater-based scholarships for graduating seniors from Castro Valley High School.

Every year, the Foundation donates $50,000 that is used exclusively for operational expenses. The new digitally advanced sound system is estimated to cost $170,000 of which CVAF is looking to contribute half.

“We’re replacing the original sound system from when we opened the Center for the Arts back in 2006,” said CV Arts Foundation co-founder and director Terry Liebowitz. “We are always grateful for the support this community brings to the Center and we’ll use this new system to improve our performances here.”

Liebowitz and CVAF co-founder Erma Smith helped lead a massive multi-million-dollar effort to fund, design, and construct the state-of-the-art theater. The current 18-member board of directors has continued to showcase regional talent. Previous performances include tribute bands spotlighting the BeeGees, Neil Diamond, The Grateful Dead, and The Beatles.

CVAF’s second fundraiser this month will be for a comedy showcase starring 2020 World Series of Comedy winner Paul Conyers along with the comedy stylings of Pete Munoz, Mean Dave, and Jeanne Marin. The July 16 event kicks off with a BBQ meal provided by local food trucks.


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