Get Fit, Start Today

“The best thing you can get from a workout is the desire for another one.”  

That’s my motto.

As a personal trainer, I’ve seen too many people become overwhelmed when they try to start exercising. The good news is it doesn’t have to be so difficult. In fact, the easier it is, the better your results are likely to be. 

I’ve heard too many stories about people exercising so hard at first, they can barely walk the next day. That’s not good!  

I’d rather someone not feel anything than feel like they’ve been thrown off a roof. When starting, you don’t need a super-mega-blast workout. You just need one that gets you moving, feels good, and leaves you wanting more.

That means the most important thing when you start is finding something you enjoy doing. It doesn’t even matter what it is.

Walking? Awesome!

Swimming? Great!

Weightlifting? Yes!

Zumba? Shake it! 

It all works. 

The problem is that so much of what we hear about exercise only serves to confuse and intimidate us. Here are two scenarios:

1. Sally read she should exercise four times per week. She looks at her schedule and knows she can get in two sessions but the other two will be hard. She commits to four times anyway. A month later she’s only gotten in two sessions each week, so she’s upset and disappointed. She feels like a failure.

2. Beth read she should be exercising four times per week. She looks at her schedule and knows she can get in two sessions, so she decides to focus on that. A month later she’s excited because she’s gotten in those two sessions every week. She’s feeling positive and confident with what she’s been able to do. 

In these two scenarios, Sally and Beth are getting the same amount of exercise, but their mindset is completely different. Who’s more likely to continue? 

That’s why I recommend looking at your calendar and scheduling your workouts when you’re 100% sure you can make them. You can always add more later. 

Simply put, the most important things about exercise, especially when starting, are enjoying it and being consistent. The great thing about taking steps towards better health is that the form it takes can always change. 

Go for a 10-minute walk three times a week, take a Zumba class, hire a personal trainer (I know a good one), lift some weights or do something else entirely. Just know it doesn’t have to be perfect. There’s no such thing. It just has to fit you and your life. 

Mitch Rothbardt is the owner and head trainer at Castro Valley Fitness. You can reach him with any comments or questions at the dog park with Penny and Puppy almost every afternoon or at

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT, PN Level 2 Lean Eating Coach, Egoscue PAS, FMS

Castro Valley Fitness at 2861 Grove Way

Castro Valley's Premier Fitness Facility

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