Hannah John Completes Her Eagle Project

Redwood Christian High School Senior Hannah John completed her Eagle Project recently and her Court of Honor is schedule for January 8, 2023. Hannah is a member of Troop 2789 of Castro Valley and her Scoutmaster is Blaine Emmons. Hannah is the daughter of Pramod and Grace John of Hayward, and her life goals include studying Environmental Sciences. She has attended Redwood Christian Schools since kindergarten.

Hannah’s Eagle Project took 152 hours to complete from planning to assembly, included designing, recruiting and supervising friends and family to assist her in the building of two 6' x 2' x 3' Redwood corrugated steel planter boxes for Redwood Christian Middle School and High School. The two mobile planter boxes act as barricades for the school's main doors to prevent and deter any strangers from entering the campus while school is in session. The planter boxes are also environmentally conscious and low maintenance as they house a variety of succulents.

Hannah selected this project as “at the time, our campus did not have the interior gates that we do now so I wanted to help make our school a little safer.”

As for what was the most challenging part of her project, it “was putting all my ideas together as I had put two designs together to make a whole new design for the planters. Having never made structures so big, especially two of them, it was hard to assemble. There were a lot of unknowns to the outcome and many on-the-spot decisions that could only be made while assembling it. The other equally challenging part was realistically thinking about how much time and effort would be needed for the project from me and others and creating a time line on how to accomplish my project.”

“My parents were supportive and encouraged me throughout the whole process despite how long it took. Those who helped me with reading my revisions, answering all my questions, and guiding me through the paperwork were also a big encouragement to me as they were dedicated in helping me succeed.”

Hannah completed the project in twelve weeks and appreciated the assistance of Stella Chang, Dylan Seu, Eric Ma, Scott Wong, Nolan Quiroz, Nathanael Butler, Alan Stirling, Pramod John, and Grace John.


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