H.A.R.D Elects New Leadership

The H.A.R.D. Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Mr. Rick J. Hatcher was elected by the Board as the new Board President for 2023.

 "Growing up with H.A.R.D., I know it is one of our community’s true gems. With the diverse breadth of programs, facilities, and open space, I am truly honored to serve as Board President. The upcoming year will bring new, inclusive programs, and upgrades to parks and facilities.”

Mr. Hatcher has been a Board Member with H.A.R.D. since 2015. The past few years have been very exciting, with the successful passage of the $250 million-dollar Measure F1 Parks Bond and the construction of several major capital projects. The goals of Measure F1 are to improve, renovate and expand parks and recreation facilities within the District’s boundaries of Ashland, Castro Valley, Cherryland, Fairview, Hayward, and San Lorenzo. 

 At its December 15, 2022 special meeting, the H.A.R.D. Board of Directors also elected Director Paul Hodges, Jr as Board Vice President, and Director Peter Rosen as Board Secretary. They are joined on the H.A.R.D. five-person Board by Director Louis M. Andrade and Director Sara Lamnin. The District is excited to welcome Director Sara Lamnin to the Board.

 The District expresses gratitude to Carol A. Pereira who is retiring from the Board of Directors after 40 years of dedicated service to H.A.R.D. and the residents of the District.

The Hayward Recreation and Park District (H.A.R.D.) is a Special District, established in 1944 at the request of residents of the Greater Hayward area to provide parks and recreation programs, events and facilities. H.A.R.D. serves over 100 square-miles of the Greater Hayward area serving 309,000 residents.  Visit www.HaywardRec.org


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