Helping Adults with Disabilities Train for Work

Marina Hancher working at Don Jose’s restaurant through the Castro Valley Adult & Career Education's Paid Internship Program.

If you walk into Don Jose’s, you might notice a cheery kitchen helper, Marina Hancher  Marina is a student in the Strides Program for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities at Castro Valley Adult & Career Education (CVACE).  There was a time when these adults were underestimated.  CVACE is supporting adults in getting jobs with a new paid internship program for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  These students are feeling the self- confidence that comes from a job and getting rave reviews from their employers.

The  internship initiative presents a fantastic chance for employers to receive valuable assistance without incurring any expenses. Participants in the Strides Paid Internship collaborate with a job coach to acquire job-related skills and ensure a smooth transition into their roles. They get paid by the school, so it doesn't cost anything for businesses to have them. Businesses that have interns can decide if they want to hire them or continue to host the intern as a program partner.  If a business hires a student directly, they can potentially get up to $2400 a year in tax credits. Students also keep taking workplace skills classes  and get help from their school.

Participants should be over 22 years old or over 18 years of age with a high school diploma or equivalent.  They should also be a regional center consumer and eligible to receive Department of Rehabilitative Services.  They should be motivated, able to work in the community with support and committed to a 10 month program from July 2024 - May 2025.  An information night will be held Wednesday, February 28th from 6:15- 7:30 pm.  Please register at

According to a Forbes article from December 2021, incorporating workers with disabilities into a company’s workforce is a win-win. It cites a study by the Institute for Corporate Productivity: “employees with developmental disabilities contributed to higher productivity, lower absenteeism, and increased customer loyalty.” A diverse workplace also improves employee morale and empathy.  One employer shared her experience with a CVACE student, “He has been a motivation to me because he always gives his best self to make himself, his family and his team proud.”

Does this program sound like a good fit for you or someone you know? Come to the information night.  If you are a business owner interested in hiring an adult with a disability or learning more about the program, please contact CVACE at (510) 886-1000 or


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