Jimmy Carter and Castro Valley

The recent passing of Jimmy Carter creates cause for a pause to reflect on his life. He was, of course, once President of the United States. He served one term, which was from January 20th, 1977, to January 20th, 1981. He also lived the longest life of anyone who served as President - 100 years. Rather than reflect upon his performance as President, however, I reflect upon him as a person. Although he never visited Castro Valley, we have some similarities in common with him. They relate to character. Character provides the capability for other streams to develop in life. Among them are confidence and comfortability of purpose. This is what Jimmy Carter possessed and what flowed from the life that he led.

Jimmy Carter came from the realm of the ordinary. The centerpiece of his life were also the roots of his life. He came from a diminutive town in Georgia. Its name is Plains, which is a term that journalists often used to describe his hometown. That is, of course, a matter of preference, if not prejudice. Small towns have incubated more Presidents than big cities have done. His life ended in the same place. In-between, his life journeyed him to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. He studied nuclear engineering. After completing his military service, he returned home to Plains. There he ran his family farm and entered politics. He became Governor of Georgia and then President of the U.S. After the Presidency, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. His return to his roots, however, is what I emphasize. As of today, Plains has a population of 552 people. It makes Castro Valley, despite our smallness, look like a major metropolitan city with more than 60,000 people.

During my lifetime I had the privilege to serve in appointed roles under three Presidents. These appointments were originally in Washington, D.C. It is a place of power and prestige. It is a metropolitan city that attracts people and often keeps them there. Nonetheless, I returned home to Castro Valley out of family responsibilities. I never went back and never looked back. Jimmy Carter went back to his hometown after his Presidency as well. Plains is much smaller than Castro Valley. It is more isolated, as well. He had a unique quality, however. It was his confidence of character and comfortability with his purpose in life that enabled him to return to his roots. He did not need added power or prestige. With that, he continued to lead a noble and purposeful life. It was not only a model for how to be an ex-President. It was also a model of how to be a good person.

With these observations in mind, I pause with gratitude for a person named Jimmy Carter. There are valuable lessons in how to live a life for all of us to reflect upon. Despite the unlikelihood of becoming a President of the United States, we can pursue and lead purposeful lives. That is what Jimmy Carter did, as well as his wife, Rosalyn. My they rest in peace, and may we find the peace that comes from living purposeful lives as well.


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