Kids are Back in School.  How About You?

Are you jealous of kids buying their shiny new folders? You can go back to school too. If you are a life-long learner, Castro Valley Adult & Career Education (CVACE) has an array of new courses to help you stay flexible and relevant.  What’s your goal?

Your health-  CVACE offers affordable access to nutrition and fitness experts. Regain the fun of high school and take “Volleyball” for adults. If you are looking for something more mindful, CVACE offers “Yang/Yin Yoga” and “Chair Yoga” along with “Pilates, Power and Posture.”

Your brain-  Researchers have found that learning another language improves brain function at any age.  Plus, it helps you order good food and make friends when you travel.  Take conversational Spanish or beginning Chinese.  There’s even a nutrition class “Better Brain Health with Whole Food Nutrition” taught by a nutrition and herbal therapist.

Your creative side- Have you always wanted to play piano?  CVACE offers “Piano 101” and “Piano 102.” Musicians can also join Community Band, Orchestra and Swing Band to share your talent with the community.

Your DIY side- CVACE offers an exciting “Your Home”  home improvement series with a licensed contractor.  You will learn the basics of keeping your home running smoothly.  Maybe your preferred tools are sugar and butter?  Take a baking class like “Irresistible Creme Puffs and Eclairs” with the former owner of Swiss Delices.

Your English language skills-  Are you a non-native speaker who has a high level of English but still doesn’t feel comfortable in job or college environments?  If so, there are new advanced classes including “Career Exploration and Communication Skills” and “Advanced ESL Bridge” to prepare students for college classes.  There are also career training classes taught by Chabot Instructors with language support from the adult school.

Your career- In addition to community interest classes, CVACE also offers short-term certificate programs in EKG Technician, Clinical Medical Assisting, Wastewater Operations, as well as computer skills classes and notary public training.

Whatever your interest or motivation, visit or contact Castro Valley Adult & Career Education at (510) 886-1000 to learn more or sign up for classes before they fill.


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