Local Businesses Celebrate Partnership With CVACE

Castro Valley Adult & Career Education Intern

Ryan Law participated in the Castro Valley Adult & Career Education’s paid internship program. He was recently hired at the Castro Valley Marketplace.  Businesses are invited to partner with this unique paid internship program.

Local businesses and Castro Valley Adult & Career Education (CVACE) are celebrating the completion of the first successful year of the new Paid Internship Program for adults with intellectual disabilities. Through this innovative program students receive valuable on the job experience and employers get amazing workers at no cost to them.

Four interns completed a 9-month program with 3 rotations at different job sites to be exposed to different jobs.  Interns worked with a job coach to learn their job and be set up for success.  They were paid through the school district with funding from the Regional Center of the East Bay through a program to support community integration for neurodiverse adults.

Businesses participating in this unique program included Don Jose’s, Castro Valley Marketplace, Gigi’s Florist, and several departments and school sites within Castro Valley Unified School District (CVUSD).

Diversity in the workplace is great for morale, as well as the bottom line. Enrique Alarcon, Warehouse Lead for the Castro Valley Unified School District, had nothing but praise for the program:  “It's been amazing to see the interns progress and develop real life work and social skills. They show enthusiasm to learn and help in any way. They have become a part of our team and they will be missed. I would highly suggest that all businesses participate and support this incredible program.”

The program is currently looking for new host businesses. CVACE Director, Beth Cutter, shares that "it is an excellent opportunity for employers to get great help at no cost to them and promote a diverse and inclusive workforce." Host businesses have the opportunity to hire interns or continue to host interns as a program partner. Castro Valley Marketplace happily hired one of the graduating interns.

Are you an employer interested in hiring an enthusiastic and motivated employee? The successful first year of this program proves you can have high expectations for adults with disabilities, and they will be able to meet them with the right support. If a business directly hires the student, they are eligible for a Work Opportunity Tax Credit.  Hired interns will have the ability to continue to receive job support from CVACE job coaches. If you are a business owner interested in hiring an adult with a disability or learning more about the program, please email stridespip@cv.k12.ca.us or contact a member of our Paid Internship Program team at (510) 886-1000.


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