Local Girl Makes Good

On Saturday, May 21, 2022 Bianca Greer of Castro Valley graduated from The US Military Academy West Point.

Bianca is a 2018 graduate from Castro Valley High School.  During her time at CVHS Bianca had a goal to prepare herself for the best college experience possible. She worked hard in the classroom and in athletics. She was a three-sport varsity athlete playing Basketball, Volleyball, and Track. She also was the BSU President in 2018. Bianca finished her Junior year with a 4.5 GPA and graduated with a 4.37 GPA.

She visited several colleges but wasn’t sold, she wanted to be part of something bigger than herself. During Academy Night at CVHS she learned about the US service academies and decided to apply. Each year academies receive 10,000+ applications and accept only 10%. 

Bianca’s application was accepted by two academies, but she chose West Point. She earned nominations from Eric Swalwell and Kamala Harris and is the only female from CVHS to earn an acceptance to West Point.

Once at West Point Bianca continued her tireless work and received many awards. Her achievements include: 

Graduating Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelors in Economics

Overall GPA of 3.7

Class rank of 119 out of 1014

2022: Superintendent’s Award for Achievement, Distinguished Cadet Award, Dean's List

2021: Distinguished Cadet Award, Dean's List, Master of the Sword Badge

2020: Superintendent’s Award for Academic Excellence, Distinguished Cadet Award, Dean's List, Master of the Sword Badge

2019: Dean's List, Army Physical Fitness Badge

In 2019 Bianca made the boxing team and later tried out for the parachute team. After earning a spot she was on the two-way and four-way teams, she finished with 347 jumps total.

Upon graduation, Bianca was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant, and will train to become a helicopter pilot.


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