Memorial Day Remembered at Castro Valley Veterans Memorial

Monday, May 27 was a beautiful Castro Valley morning to remember, celebrate and honor our United States Heroes and Heroines who gave their lives in service of our Great Country at the Castro Valley Veterans Memorial Park on Quail Avenue in Castro Valley.  Approximately two hundred were in attendance including veterans, family members of those being remembered and members of the Castro Valley community and surrounding communities.  All were present to honor those who made the sacrifice for our Great Country.
Veterans of Foreign War (VFW) Post 9601 Commander Chris Bokamper served as master of ceremonies welcoming all present and thanking the Sea Cadets for their combined efforts in getting the Castro Valley Veterans Memorial ready for the program.  Bag Piper HMC Graham Phuvanatnaranubalaph (Phu) played prior to the Posting of the Colors and the singing of the National Anthem by 11-year-old January Karbowski, dressed in red, white and blue from the bow in her hair to her boots, with our Great Country’s Flag at half mast.  Honor Guard Member Ron Squiers offered the Invocation and local VFW and American Legion Commanders who were present were introduced.  

VFW Post 9601 Commander Stephen West then reminded all present of recent members of VFW Post 9601 who have passed away in the last year prior to reading all of the names of Castro Valley’s own who were Killed in Action serving the United States of America (see the end of article for names), and then read a Proclamation from President Joseph Biden.  Colonel John McPartland (Retired) then read “In Flanders Field,” which is the basis for the selling of poppies to support the VFW and honor the memory of our fallen veterans.

The  guest speaker was Pastor Joe Roberts, US Army Vietnam Veteran, who served in a M.A.S.H. unit as a Chaplain’s Assistant.  He shared his multiple experiences fulfilling his main role of “not allowing any of our soldiers to die alone.”  He also shared the physical challenges he now has as he was exposed to Agent Orange twice, and is confined to a wheel chair.  His story was a reminder of what goes on behind the front lines during war.  Pastor Joe is a gifted writer, who published a book of poems in 2023 entitled “A Tick in Time.” He gave away copies at the event.

2024 graduate of Castro Valley High School, Dhruv Shah, who just received his Eagle Scout Award for his great work categorizing all of the information included in the Castro Valley Veterans Memorial, was presented the flag that was being retired by Past-Commander West as special recognition for his work.  His Eagle Scout Project took him approximately two hundred hours.  Dhruv will be attending the Univeristy of California at Berkeley in the fall and will be studying Electrical Engineering/Computer Science.

The program ended with Past-Commander West reading “The Watch,” following by a Rifle Salute, Taps, “Amazing Grace” by bagpiper HMC Graham Phu, “America the Beautiful” by January Karbowski, Closing Remarks by Commander Bokamper, Benediction by Honor Guard Member Squiers, and “Remembrance” by HMC Graham Phu on his bagpipes.

The entire program tied together to remind all present of the great sacrifice of life that has been made throughout our Country’s history to enable all of us present to enjoy a beautiful day in Castro Valley.  

The Castro Valley Veterans Memorial Park is open year-round to the public.  Special remembrance events are held every Memorial Day and every Veterans Day.  The public is invited.  Veterans are encouraged to wear their uniforms or other clothing that distinguishes them as military veterans.

The following individuals lived in Castro Valley when they were killed in action and are listed in the middle of the Castro Valley Veterans Memorial:

World War I - Joseph D. Caldeira

World War II - PFC Jack A. Phillips, USA; TEC4 Gus E Borloz;, USA PVT Marco M. Delmasso USAF; 1st LT Charles R. Bailey, USAAC; SM2 Lyle M. Berry, USN.

Korea - CPL Edwin F. Webb, USA; PFC Edward R. Longston, USAF.

Vietnam - PFC William Blakely, USA; PFC Steven G. Canright, USA; CPT James M. Cardwell, USA; SSGT Larry H. Cooke, USA; PFC Gerald T. Duffy, USMC; PFT Richard L. Iannicelli, USA; PFC Thad B. Jessiman, USA; PFC Patrick S. Laird, USA; SGT Don J. McAtee, USA; SP4 Richard L. Metcalf, USA; WO Glenn D. Moore, USA; PFC Edward T. Peters, JR., USMC; LCPL Paul P. Vanover, USMC; SGT Kenny Miller, USA; SGT James B. Duperroir, USMC; Alan B. Turner, USMC; Daniel J. McConalogue, MM; CPL Thomas W. Morris, USA; SPEC4 Charles L. Hodge, USA; CAPT Steve N. Bezold, USA; PFC Timothy J. Dineen, USA; CPL Thomas M. Skally, USMC; PFC Louriano L. Lovato; PFC Stanley R. Uding, USA; LCPL Gerald R. Henry, USMC; CPL Gary L. Holz, USA; and PFT James D. Piper, USA.

Desert Storm - COL Jerold L. Thompson.

Iraq - SPC Joseph A. Graves, USA; SPC Michael C. Balsley, USA; 1LT Kenneth M. Ballard, USA; LCPL Travis J. Layfield, USMC; MSGT Robb G. Needham, USA; SGT Kyle Dayton, USA; and SSG Robert S. Johnson, USA.

Afghanistan - SGT Nathan W. Cox, USA; and SFC James F. Grissom, USA. 


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