New Year, a Better You

Happy February. How have your goals been coming along? I saw a post something that was something along the lines of, February is the new January. Why? Because the Lunar New Year starts this month. So, really, you get another chance at a new year. 

Jokes aside, I’ve been reflecting on last month's “New Year, New You” article. I realized for some people, it’s too drastic of a shift within a year. I definitely get it because I’ve been there. The idea that I can drastically change in a year seems like crazy talk. 

So what about becoming a better you? How much better depends on you. Maybe better it’s 50 percent better, 5 percent better, or even just 0.1 percent better. Better is better, which is good. 

“But what should I do to start getting better? January wasn’t very productive, and I’m not feeling any more motivated than I was on January first.” I’m glad you asked. Sometimes, it takes a little injection of inspiration to get your gears going. 

I wanted to share about an exciting event, the Becoming a Better You Summit, on February 17th at the Chabot Theater. ( I’ll be speaking that day on reducing stress in your life, and I’m excited to hear the other speakers as well. There will be inspiring stories of people overcoming some really difficult things, as well as practical tips on becoming a better version of yourself. 

I don’t usually like to plug events because I’m not here to sell you things. I’m honestly very excited to share this event because I know you’ll get great information that will inspire and motivate you, and it’s right here in Castro Valley. We have lots of great events here, but I’ve always had to go elsewhere for personal development events. It really doesn’t get much closer (unless you’d like to host at your house). 

The other concern I had was about the ticket price. This event requires you to buy a ticket, and again, I’m not here to ask for your money. However, I also know that when people only look for free things, or act in their comfort zone, there is little to no progress/improvement. It feels odd for me to say, being the frugal Asian that I am, that as I’ve spent more money on programs, courses, and groups, I’ve noticed there’s a higher success rate in the groups who have spent more money to get there. I honestly didn’t want to believe it, but I couldn’t deny what I saw. 

If you’ve followed any of my work for any time, you know that I focus on what you can do for yourself because, ultimately, you are responsible for where things go in your life. You decide if you change your diet, do the workout, or hustle a little bit more to make a little more money. However, sometimes outside help is needed. It might be professional services like coaching or therapy, or it’s about being around other people who want to improve themselves while taking in great energy and content. This event can be an injection of inspiration for you.  

Also, I realized this is an opportunity to meet with the community. I’d love to meet any of you who attend after the event. I haven’t nailed down a location, so could you do me a favor and sign up for my newsletter so I can give you updates? The link is here:

Coach Kev helps people find calm, clarity, and confidence in their lives while a better version of themselves. Contact him at, or follow him on IG and YouTube @kevinkoocoaching and meditate with him at

Kevin Koo

Kevin Koo is a professional coach who specializes in personal, business, and leadership development. Contact him at


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