Oakland Police Officer Memorial in Castro Valley

Hundreds of law enforcement officers joined the family and friends of slain Oakland Police Officer Tuan Le last Wednesday during a public memorial at 3Crosses Church in Castro Valley. 

The procession started in Oakland and made its way to Castro Valley. Officers from OPD, Alameda County Sheriff’s Office, and CHP were in attendance. 

Speakers at the service included Le’s cousin, Jennifer Ky, his uncle, Steve Le, and his brother-in-law, Kenny Phung.

“Nothing can exchange for my nephew Tuan’s life,” said Steve Le. “Officer Tuan Le has gone too young and left behind a lot of his unfinished goals, dreams, and his family behind.” 

Also speaking on behalf of Officer Le’s service to the community were California Attorney General Rob Bonta and interim Oakland Police Chief Darren Allison. 

“Officer Le personified what it was to exude a deep compassion for his law enforcement family and the community he chose to serve,” Chief Allison said. “His kindness, his loyalty, and his smile will remain in our memories. A true hero, he will never be forgotten.”

Officer Le (36) was killed last month while responding to a burglary at a marijuana grow house in Oakland. Two suspects have been charged with murder. A third suspect was arrested for a possible connection to the case.


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