Pat Doyne: District 4 Recipient of Arts Leadership Award

Pat Doyne, President of A.R.T., Inc. is congratulated by Nate Miley, President of the Alameda County Board of Supervisors upon being awarded the 2023 Alameda County Leadership Award- District 4. Supervisor Nate Miley represents District 4.

As a volunteer in many organizations, Pat Doyne brings art, music, and poetry into as many peoples’ lives as she can. In 2018, Pat joined A.R.T., Inc. and was elected Secretary. When the President’s position became vacant, she pitched in to fill the void. In 2021, during the Pandemic, she was elected President. During the last two years, Pat has organized and supervised four art exhibits at the Adobe Art Gallery and Center in Castro Valley and one at the John O’Lague Galleria in Hayward. Currently, Pat is overseeing the May exhibit, Welcome, Spring! at the John O’Lague Galleria in Hayward City Hall. In June of 2023, A.R.T., Inc. will have an exhibit at the Lindsay Dirkx Brown Gallery in San Ramon. To introduce children to art, Pat has been a volunteer docent for two Transitional Kindergartens (T/K), three 2nd grades, a 4th grade, and a 4/5 combination. At the teacher’s discretion, Pat leads follow-up art projects. Traditionally in May, A.R.T., Inc. gives $800.00 in awards to Castro Valley High School graduating Seniors. This year, Pat will be part of the team that will give the awards. For many years, Pat has been a member of Hayward Arts Council (HAC). In May of 2022, she gave a talk and watercolor demonstration at the Hayward Public Library. In 2022, Pat was a member of the HAC team that chose the first Hayward Poet Laureate.

As Vice President of the Diablo/Alameda Branch of the National League of American Pen Women, Pat chaired the October 2022 Celebrate Women! art exhibit at the John O’Lague Galleria in the Hayward City Hall. She made and hand-lettered twenty-two beautiful certificates of appreciation which she presented to longtime members at the reception.

In 2007, Pat began taking Wadaiko lessons. These are taiko drumming classes run by the taiko performing group "Wadaiko." She is constantly hauling huge drums in her old Ford van. Wadaiko has performed at many school assemblies and multicultural festivals in Castro Valley, Newark, and Fremont. Pat designed and painted backdrops for four Wadaiko stage shows at MacGregor Center in Newark. As a volunteer, she teaches a “skills and drills” class to new drummers. Pat participated with Wadaiko at the opening of the East Bay Regional Park’s newest campground - Dumbarton Quarry. In March 2023, the show “Percussion” was presented at the Castro Valley Center for the Arts. At a community meeting, Pat learned that their Board was looking for some kind of drum activity for kids before and after the main feature, so Pat brought 23 “shime” drums and led kids in rhythm activities.

As secretary for Fremont Area Writers, Pat facilitates connecting people. When she discovered that Julia Oversloot, member of her botanical art class had written a memoir for the Holocaust Memorial project, she had her featured in the March 2022 writers talk.  Pat really enjoys meeting and working with the outstanding people in these great groups.

Patricia Doyne is President of Castro Valley’s A.R.T., Inc; Vice President of the Diablo/Alameda Branch of the National League of American Pen Women; Secretary for Fremont Area Writers. Resident of Hayward and primarily works in Hayward.


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