RCHS Grad Commissioned 2nd Lieutenant in U.S. Army

Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Snyder presents Thunder “Trey” Gallarzan with the 2024 Cadet Battalion Commander Award.

On June 28, 2024, Thunder (Trey) Gallarzan, son of Ephrain and Ellaine Gallarzan of Hayward, was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army and graduated from the University of Oregon with a degree in Applied Economics and Social Science.  2LT Gallarzan was the recipient of the coveted 2024 “Cadet Battalion Commander” Award from Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Snyder at the University of Oregon ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps) End of Year Awards Banquet on June 28, 2024.  Serving in the military is a family commitment as Trey is fifth generation serving Our Great Country. He will report in October to Fort Moore, Georgia, to complete the BOLC (Basic Officer Leaders Course), for four months of training and will then serve four years active duty as an Armor Officer.  

Trey’s younger brother Reece, RCHS Class of 2023, is in the ROTC at University of Oregon and also pursuing a military career while majoring in Business.

Dr. Al Hearne, Redwood Christian Schools Superintendent, knows the Gallarzan family well and admires all four of his former (Skylar, Trey and Reece) and current (Ace) students stating “These young adults have always been a positive influence on their classmates whether it be in the classroom or extra curricular activities, serving others.  For instance, Ace just recently returned from our missions trip to Puerto Rico serving others.”

Ephrain and Ellaine Gallarzan have two other children, Skyler, who graduated from RCHS in 2018, and Loyola Marymount University in May 2022, majoring in Journalism, while being a member of the Women’s Rowing Team.   Youngest son Ace is a member of the RCHS Class of 2025 and plans to follow in his brothers’ footsteps and also enroll in the ROTC program in College.  Both Skyler and Ace are working at Trader Joe’s in Castro Valley. 

The Gallarzan family attends 3Crosses Church in Castro Valley.


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