RCHS Honors 2023 Homecoming Court

Photo Credit: Cathy Breslow/Breslow Imaging

Photo Front Row (Left to Right): Freshman Princess Eliana Miller, Sophomore Princess Sydney Driggers, Junior Princess Makenzie Cutrer, Homecoming Queen Agape Tesfamichael, Senior Princess Hannah Grace Miller and Senior Princess Hannah Mei John;
Back Row (Left to Right): Freshman Prince Thorin Warneke, Junior Prince Chizimuzo (Zim) Ajawara, Homecoming King Thomas Kohler, Senior Prince Brayden Bibby and Senior Prince Reece Bailey Ambion Gallarzan. 

The Redwood Christian High School 2023 Homecoming Ceremonies were held on the Middle School and High School campus in San Lorenzo in the Bruce D. Johnson Gymnasium on January 20. A parent escorted each member of the Court, who were introduced by Co-Masters of Ceremonies Superintendent Dr. Al Hearne and High School Principal Justin Redemer, who read letters of tribute from their parents, flowers for the ladies and boutonnieres for the men from someone special in their lives, crowns or sashes from 2022 Queen Bethany Dominguez and 2022 King Josiah Saavedra-Flores.  

The 2023 Homecoming Queen and King, Agape Tesfamichael and Thomas Kohler, were introduced during special ceremonies held between games and were joined by other Homecoming Court honorees: Senior Princesses Hannah Grace Miller and Hannah Mei John; Senior Princes Reece Gallarzan and Brayden Bibby; Junior Princess Makenzie Cutrer and Junior Prince Chizimuzo (Zim) Ajawara; Sophomore Princess Sydney Driggers and Sophomore Prince Jacob Cook; and Freshman Princess Eliana Miller and Freshman Prince Thorin Warneke.

Senior Princess Hannah Mei John, Senior Prince Brayden Bibby, and Freshman Prince Thorin Warneke have attended Redwood Christian Schools since kindergarten.

Queen Agape Tesfamichael has attended Redwood Christian Schools (RCS) since fifth grade and attends Elim Oakland Church of Oakland.  She was escorted by her father, Simon Tesfamichael, and her younger brother, Nathanael (11th grade), presented her with flowers.  She is the middle sibling of RCS alumni Zoe (Class of 2019) Nathanael.  Agape is a varsity athlete, serves on Student Council and the Christian Ministry team, and participates in multiple clubs.  She is a school choir member and serves in the chapel worship band.  After high school, she plans to “help others wherever I choose to go and continue to serve God through singing.” Queen Agape’s favorite Bible verse is 1 Corinthians 15:10 - “ But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me was not in vain. On the contrary, I worked harder than any of them, though it was not I, but the grace of God that is with me.”  Agape is the daughter of Simon Tesfamichael and Eleni Aslandes of Hayward.

King Thomas Kohler came to RCS last year when he moved to Oakland from Brazil and attends The Cathedral of Christ the Light of Oakland.  He was escorted by his stepmother, Bianca Carozzo.   He is a varsity athlete.  King Thomas is still deciding whether he will go to Germany, Brazil, or Chabot Community College and stay in the Bay Area after high school.   Fellow seniors Sam Quiroz, Seth Putnam, and Lesmy Mejia presented Thomas with his boutonniere.  Thomas’s favorite Bible Verse is 1 Corinthians 11:1 - “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.”  King Thomas is the son of Thomas Kohler and Bianca Carozzo of Oakland.

Senior Princess Hannah Grace Miller is the youngest of three sisters (Hope and Emily), and has attended RCS since seventh grade.  She attends Redwood Chapel Community Church of Castro Valley.  Her sister Hope graduated from RCS in 2021.  Hannah was escorted by her father, Stephen Miller.  She received her flowers from her mother, Lisa.  Hannah is a varsity athlete and has also served on Student Council.  She will attend the Culinary Institute of America to earn a Baking and Pastry Arts degree next year.  Hannah’s favorite Bible verse is John 10:27-28 - “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.” Princess Hannah is the daughter of Stephen and Lisa Miller of Castro Valley.

Senior Princess Hannah Mei John is the youngest of three, has attended RCS since Kindergarten, and attends 3Crosses Church in Castro Valley.  Princess Hannah was escorted by her father, Pramod, and received her flowers from her mother, Grace. Her brothers are RCS graduates, Ajay (2016), and Rohan (2021).  She is a varsity athlete, serves on Student Council, and is on the Christian Ministry team.  Hannah is an Eagle Scout, and she was recently been nominated to the United States Air Force Academy by Representative Eric Swalwell and plans to attend the academy after high school.  Hannah’s favorite Bible verse is Romans 5:3-5 - “Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”  
Princess Hannah is the daughter of Pramod and Grace John of Hayward.

Senior Prince Reece Bailey Ambion Gallarzan is the third Gallarzan (of four) to attend RCS and has been an Eagle for eight years, and attends 3 Crosses.  His sister, Skyler (class of 2018), and brother, Trey (class of 2020) are alumni and his brother, Ace, is in 10th grade.  Prince Reece was escorted by his mother, Elainne, and received his boutonniere from Skyler and Ace.  He is on the Christian Ministry team, Executive Council, and is a varsity athlete.  He plans to attend university to study Business Finance while training with the school’s Army’s ROTC program to be commissioned as an officer.  His favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 27:7 - “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.”  Prince Reece is the son of Ephraim and Elainne Gallarzan of Hayward.  

Senior Prince Brayden Bibby is the second Bibby to attend RCS since Kindergarten.  His brother, Caleb, graduated in 2018.  Prince Brayden was escorted by his mother, Colette, and received his from his father, Peter; his grandmother, Doreen Ingwaldson, and his brother, Caleb.    Brayden’s family attends The Rock Church in Danville.  Brayden plays Varsity Baseball, and after high school, his goal is to play minor-league hockey.  His favorite verse is Proverbs 3:5 - “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.”  Prince Brayden is the son of Peter and Colette Bibby of San Ramon.  

Junior Princess Makenzie Cutrer has attended RCS since 5th grade.  She attends Greater New Life Church, Church Of God In Christ in Oakland.  She receives her flowers from her Auntie Ebony Primm.  Makenzie plans to be an ultrasound nurse after high school.  Princess Makenzie’s favorite Bible verse is Psalm 46:5 - “God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns.”  She is the daughter of Melissa Carson of Hayward.

Junior Prince Chizimuzo (Zim) Ajawara came to RCS last year and has a seventh-grade sibling, Onyekachi.  He was escorted by his mother, Perpetual, who also presented him with his boutonniere.  He received his boutonniere from   He attends Saint James Catholic Church in Fremont.  Zim plans to study genetic engineering in college.  Prince Zim’s favorite Bible verse is Hebrews 4:12 - “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”  He is the son of Michael and Perpetual Ajawara of Hayward.

Sophomore Princess Sydney Driggers has attended RCS since 6th grade and is the oldest of three Driggers: Stephen (7th) and Aubrey (6th).  Sydney was escorted by her father, Kyle, and received her flowers from family friends, the Bruce Family - Jeff, Kashelle, Addie, Jake, and Omari.  She attends Creekside Community Church of Castro Valley.   Sydney is a varsity athlete and serves on Student Council.  Princess Sydney’s favorite verse is Romans 8:28 - “And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”  Princess Sydney is the daughter of Kyle and Emily Driggers of San Leandro.

Sophomore Prince Jacob Cook is a first-year student at Redwood Christian High School.  His younger sister, Julia, is an eighth grader. Jacob is a varsity athlete and is in the RCHS band, and missed the Homecoming Ceremonies as he was selected as the #1 trumpet player for the NorCal Honor Band.  In addition, out of thousands of applicants, Jacob has been selected to the California State Honor Jazz Band.  He attends Pilgrim Temple in Hayward and his favorite verse is Romans 12:1 - “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”  Jacob’s favorite verse is 2 Timothy 2:1 - “You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus...” Prince Jacob is the son of  Dustin and Kathryn Cook of Castro Valley.  

Freshman Princess Eliana Miller is the youngest of three sisters, Rayah, who graduated in 2021, and Ashlyn, a senior, who presented Eliana with her flowers.  Eliana was escorted by her father, Pastor Jeff Miller, and attends Redwood Chapel Community Church in Castro Valley, where her father is the Lead Pastor.  Pastor Jeff graduated from Redwood Christian High School in 1990.  Her favorite verse is 1 Corinthians 16:14 - “Let all that you do be done in love.” Princess Eliana is the daughter of Jeff and Heather Miller of Castro Valley.

Freshman Prince Thorin Warneke has a twin, Raiden, along with four other siblings, including RCHS Alumnus Malachi (class of 2022), and Gideon (11th) and Quintin (7th) - all at RCS since kindergarten.  He received his boutonniere from his younger sister, Ashlyn.  Thorin is an athlete, serves on Student Council, and attends Gateway Bible Church in Castro Valley.  His favorite verses are Romans 8:1 - “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”   Prince Thorin is the son of Brett and Josie Warneke of Castro Valley.


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