RCHS Honors 2024 Homecoming Court

Photo credit: Cathy Breslow/Breslow Imaging

Back Row (Left to Right): Senior Prince David Barquero, Senior Prince Jacob De Castro, King Jonathan Murray, Junior Prince Johan Weldegabriel, Sophomore Prince Josue Putnam, Freshman Prince Jonathan Aguilar
Front Row (Left to Right): Senior Princess Aviana Becerra, Senior Princess Sara Collier, Queen Cristiana Ramos, Junior Princess Zanai Robinson, Sophomore Princess Isabella Arrazola, Freshman Princess Erich Geronimo.

The Redwood Christian High School 2024 Homecoming Ceremonies were held in the Bruce D. Johnson Gymnasium on the Redwood Christian Middle School and High School campus in San Lorenzo on January 19. More than 500 students, parents, grandparents, staff and friends filled the gym!

A parent or other family member escorted each member of the Court, who were introduced by Co-Masters of Ceremonies High School Principal Justin Redemer and Assistant Principal Dr. Evan Barnhart, who read letters from their parents that touched everyone’s heart, flowers for the ladies and Homecoming Sashes for the men from someone special in their lives. Principal Redemer commended the student body stating “Once again, the students of Redwood Christian High School have chosen an amazing group of students to be on our Homecoming Court.”

The 2024 Homecoming Queen and King, Cristiana Faith Ramos and Jonathan Lamon Murray, were introduced during special ceremonies held between games and were joined by other Homecoming Court honorees: Senior Princesses, Aviana Janell Becerra and Sara Nicole Collier; Senior Princes David Esteban Barquero and Jacob Joseph De Castro; Junior Princess Zanai Zakiyah Robinson and Junior Prince Johan Napolion Weldegabriel; Sophomore Princess Isabella Mia Arrazola and Sophomore Prince Josue Mateo Putnam; and Freshman Princess Erich Faith Geronimo and Freshman Prince Jonathan Aguilar.

Queen Cristiana Faith Ramos, King Jonathan Lamon Murray, and Senior Prince David Esteban Barquero have attended Redwood Christian Schools since kindergarten.  Queen Cristiana, escorted by her father, Pastor Javier Ramos, is an Redwood Christian Schools Lifer, having attended Redwood Christian Schools since kindergarten and attends Shiloh Church in Oakland.  She received her flowers from her mother, Melinda.  2023 Homecoming Queen Agape Tesfamichael passed her crown to her successor. Princess Cristiana’s favorite verse is Philippians 4:6-7 - “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus "and will be attending Boston University in the fall on a full ride scholarship majoring in International Public Relations and minoring in Pre Law.  Her older brother, Joshua, graduated in 2020.  Her favorite class is Christian Ministry.  Cristiana is the daughter of Pastor Javier and Melinda Ramos of Oakland.

King Jonathan, escorted by her mother, Valarie Espinoza-Ross, is an Redwood Christian Schools Lifer, entering Redwood Christian Schools in kindergarten, and attends Faith Fellowship in San Leandro.  He received his Homecoming sash from his grandmother, Pastor Lydia Bejarano.  His favorite verse is Jeremiah 29:11 - “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare[a] and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”  King Jonathan plans to attend college in the fall majoring in Kinesiology and minoring in Business.  He will also pursue his Real Estate License.  His favorite classes are Honors English with Mrs. Cherry and Christian Ministry with Dr. Barnhart.  King Jonathan is the son of Valarie Espinoza-Ross of San Lorenzo.

Senior Princess Aviana Janell Becerra, escorted by her father Efrain Becerra, entered Redwood Christian Schools in the seventh grade, and attends Shiloh Church in Oakland.  She received her flowers from her mother Crystal, and has a younger sister, Esmeralda, in the tenth grade.  Princess Aviana will be attending college studying to become a pediatric nurse.  Her favorite verse is Psalm 94:19 - “When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.” Her favorite class is AP Literature with Mrs. Suth.  Princess Aviana is the daughter of Efrain and Crystal Becerra of Oakland.

Senior Princess Sara Nicole Collier has attended Redwood Christian Schools since the third grade, and attends All Saints Catholic Church in Hayward. Princess Sara was escorted by her brother, Keith, who graduated from Redwood Christian High School in 2018.  She received her flowers from her mother, Sandra. Princess Sara’s favorite verse is Philippians 4:13 - “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.  Her favorite class is US Government with Dr. Barnhart.  Princess Sara is the daughter of Sandra Torres of San Lorenzo.

Senior Prince David Esteban Barquero has attended Redwood Christian Schools since kindergarten, and attends Fairway Park Baptist Church in Hayward. His brother, Daniel, graduated from Redwood Christian High School in 2020.  Prince David was escorted by his mother, Stephanie, and received his Homecoming Sash from his father, Ernesto Barquero. He plans to attend college to study Kinesiology and become a Physical Therapist.  His favorite verse is James 4:15 - “Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” His favorite class was English his junior year with Mrs. Cherry.  Prince David is the son of Ernesto and Stephanie Bolanos-Barquero of Hayward.

Senior Prince Jacob Joseph De Castro has attended Redwood Christian Schools since the fourth grade.  His brother, Dominic, graduated in 2021 and is at the United States Naval Academy, and his brother, Sam, is a sophomore at Redwood Christian High School.  Prince Jacob was escorted by his mother, Jennifer, and received his Homecoming Sash  from his father, Salvador De Castro.  Prince Jacob attends International Bible Baptist Church in San Leandro, and his favorite verse is Proverbs 3:6 - “In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” He plans to attend the naval academy majoring in cyber operations to pursue a career as a cyber warfare engineer. His favorite class is Band.  Prince Jacob is the son of Salvador and Jennifer De Castro of Hayward.  

Junior Princess Zanai Zakiyah Robinson came to Redwood Christian High School this year, and was escorted by her father, Nairobi Robinson, Sr.   She attends Grace Bible Church in San Leandro, and has two brothers at Redwood Christian Schools: Nairobi in ninth grade, and Amir in seventh grade.  She received her flowers from her younger brother, Nairobi, Jr.  Princess Zanai’s favorite verse is Psalm 27:1 - “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? “ Her favorite class is History.  Princess Zanai is the daughter of Nairobi and Valerie Robinson of Hayward.

Junior Prince Johan Napolion Weldegabriel came to Redwood Christian Schools in the sixth grade.  He was escorted by his mother, Selam Eyasu. He received his Homecoming Sash from his father, Napolion.  Prince Johan has two sisters at Redwood Christian Schools: ninth grader Yanet and eighth grader Hasiet.  He attends Abenezar Evangelical Church in Berkeley.  Prince Johan’s favorite verse is Colossians 1:13-14 - “He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” His favorite class is English.  He is the son of Napoleon Demo and Seam Eyas of Oakland.

Sophomore Princess Isabella Mia Arrazola has attended Redwood Christian Schools since 5th grade and has a sister, Valentina, in the seventh grade.  She was escorted by her father, Alfredo Kyle, and received her flowers from her sister, Valentina.  She attends 3Crosses Church in Castro Valley.   Princess Isabella’s favorite verse is Psalms 136:14 - “and made Israel pass through the midst of it, for his steadfast love endures forever” Her favorite class is AP English.  Princess Isabella is the daughter of Alfredo and Damaris Arrazola of Hayward.  

Sophomore Prince Josue Mateo Putnam came to Redwood Christian High School in the ninth grade.  His older brother, Seth, graduated in 2023.  He was escorted by his mother, Sofia.  He received his Homecoming Sash from his father, Aaron.  He attends Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Hayward and his favorite verse is Matthew 5:10 - “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”  His favorite class is Art.  Prince Josue is the son of Aaron and Sofia Putnam of Castro Valley.  

Freshman Princess Erich Faith Geronimo came to Redwood Christian High School in the seventh grade, and has a younger brother, Viktor, in the sixth grade.  Erich was escorted by her father, Dexter, who also presented her with her flowers.  She attends International Bible Baptist Church in San Leandro.  Her favorite verse is 1 Corinthians 16:14 - “Let all that you do be done in love.”  Her favorite class is Choir.  Princess Erich is the daughter of Dexter and Lailanie Geronimo of San Leandro.  

Freshman Prince Jonathan “Jonny” Aguilar came to Redwood Christian Schools in the second grade.  He was escorted by his mother, Jackie, and received his Homecoming Sash from friend, Jaden Christian.  Prince Jonathan attends 3Crosses Church in Castro Valley, and his John 3:16 - “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”  His favorite class is Physical Education.  Prince Jonathan is the son of Ronald and Jackie Aguilar of Hayward.


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