Redwood Christian High School’s Mission to Ponce, Puerto Rico

From May 25 to June 2, Redwood Christian High School embarked on a Latin mission trip offered to students taking the Spanish language course. The trip provided the students with invaluable experiences in cultural immersion, teamwork, leadership, perseverance, and the practical application of their Spanish language skills.

Ethan Chen (9th grade ), Samuel Chen (11th), Landon Devoe-Krowicki (10th), Ace Gallarzan (11th), Tayler Leftridge (11th), Micaiah Leyva (11th), Cielo Magaña (11th) and Jonathan Murray (12th) as well as supervisors Spanish Teacher, Dr. Irma Mora, and High School Principal Mr. Justin Redemer took part in the service project.

The mission trip to Ponce, Puerto Rico, was a great experience for the students as they worked under extreme heat, rebuilding a roof and ramp for a woman whose property was severely damaged during recent hurricanes. The students bonded through cultural immersion, using their God-given skills and the Spanish language to communicate and serve effectively. Mr. Redemer and Dr. Mora were extremely proud of this group for their dedication, love for people, and willingness to embrace their calling to serve others.

Dr. Mora reflected “This trip surpassed last year's experience. Thankfully, we encountered no issues whatsoever. And more importantly, Mr. Redemer (RCHS Principal Justin Redemer) survived—lol!  We’re thankful for the opportunity to serve others in a greater capacity. Our students worked incredibly hard and returned transformed, showing remarkable growth in leadership, teamwork, and resilience.”

A return trip is planned to Ponce, Puerto Rico again next year!


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