Redwood Christian Schools Celebrates 55 Years

Photo by Greg Hinton

Superintendent Al Hearne addresses many of the students, parents and guests.

On Friday, August 9 more than 700 Redwood Christian Schools students, parents, alumni and friends celebrated the beginning of the 2024-25 school year complete with food trucks, face painting, bounce houses while renewing friendships and making new ones, meeting new and returning teachers, and closing with a rally in the Bruce D. Johnson Gym led RCS Superintendent Dr. Al Hearne focused on the year verse John 14:6. Today,Wednesday, August 14, is the first day of school.

Superintendent Hearne reflected on this annual event stating “The energy and enthusiasm of our returning students and their parents combined with the optimism of our new students and their parents make this annual event one of the most exciting for everyone.  We are ready to have another great year of blessings at Redwood Christian Schools educating the students entrusted to us by their parents.  Hold on!  Our 55th will be as exciting as our first in 1970-71!”


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