Redwood Christian Schools Patriot Chapel

Local heroes representing the California Highway Patrol, Oakland Police Department, Hayward Police Department and Alameda County Sheriff’s Department as well as the Alameda County Fire Department and three Air Force pilots were honored at the 2024 Redwood Christian Schools Patriots Chapel on September 13.   

The program opened with a presentation of our great country’s colors by VFW 9601.  Mrs. Conley then led in the singing of the National Anthem.

The program was led by third grade teacher Mrs. Lynn Conley and her class along with Mrs. Laura Vanegas’ third grade class.  The salute to the American flag was led by Santino Mujica; the Salute to the Christian flag by Gabriella Menzel; the pledge to the Bible by Harold Li; and prayer by Noel Macklin. The third grade classes combined to recite “Take A Moment” by Joanna Fuchs, and sang “Thank You for Your Service” accompanied by pianist Mrs. Beverly Mayne, who also wrote the song.

Fourth grade student Maxwell Busch read a piece recognizing all military service members, then all branches of the military were recognized with active and veterans asked to stand when their anthem was played during the military medley so that the students and guests could thank them.

Our heroes at home were then recognized by readings by fourth grader Hannah Redemer recognizing our firefighters, and fifth grader Terilyn Nguyen read “The Daughter of a Police Officer.”

EMTs and other first responders were also recognized.   Mrs. Conley led all who were present in “God Bless America.”  Superintendent Dr. Hearne reminded attendees how critical our military and First Responders are to our safety, thanking those present with a speech and prayer.  Principal Megan Sinisi then explained the meaning of TAPS (an organization that provides comfort, care and resources to all those grieving the death of a military loved one) prior to it being played.  She then dismissed everyone to the parking lot where every organization present greeted the students and guests allowing all present to truly get to know them “up close and personal.”


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