‘See You at the Pole’ Prayer Service

Photo credit: Dr. Evan Barnhart

Last Wednesday, September 28, middle and high school students and teachers from Redwood Christian Schools joined students and supporters from across the United States to pray at their school's flag pole for the annual “See You At The Pole” prayer service. This annual event is student-led. At RCS it was organized and led by the Redwood Christian High School Executive Council, under the leadership of seniors Nat Butler and Agape Tesfamichael and included worshiping God through prayer and song, and lifting up our Great Country and praying for our President, Congress, local elected officials, our military as well as our First Responders. The theme was "Aflame" and the verse selected nationwide for this year was Romans 12:11-12 “Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”

Nat and Agape led the group in worship and prayer, specifically praying for our school, its leaders, First Responders, Military, and for our government and its leaders at the local, state and federal level.

Superintendent Al Hearne commended the student leaders who worked to bring this event together stating “I continue to be blessed by the spiritual maturity of our students and how they are committed to praying for and serving for those who serve us around the world, always thanking Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

Photo credit: Dr. Evan Barnhart


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