Personal Growth: Time to Check-In

Is it just me or have the last three months gone really fast?

Today, I wanted to do some introspection and review the year so far. This is a good practice to develop to help you stay on course. As my mentor, John Maxwell shares, “evaluated experience is the best teacher.” I’ll share a few questions for you to think about, as well as my own answers. That way you won’t be alone in doing the exercise.

The first question starts on a positive note. What has gone well so far? For me, we moved to a bigger home, which allowed for more space to run around with my son, but also to have a better space for hosting people. It’s exciting because we’re renovating our kitchen, which will be the centerpiece of the home. I’m also happy with how I was able to get back on track with my diet. Moving, and not having a kitchen meant we had a lot of take-out, which isn’t the healthiest. I only just got back to my protein shakes and intermittent fasting maybe two weeks after we moved. So even though it wasn’t great for a while, I’m proud of myself that I was able to course-correct before the quarter was over. A quick side note, when finding positives, anything goes. Doesn’t matter how big or small the positive is, highlight it for yourself and celebrate it.

Next up is asking yourself what didn’t go well this past quarter. Personally, I wasn’t happy with my level of physical activity, meaning I didn’t exercise enough. Physical health and energy are really important to me as a coach. The better my energy, the better I can be present for my clients. Between the pandemic (and thus being stuck at home), some colds, and injuries, I got a little too relaxed. As a result, I had less energy throughout the day. I found myself needing naps when previously I didn’t. Also, as I mentioned, some injuries kept me from exercising as well.

Finally, ask yourself what you want to do differently starting with this quarter. My injury made me realize that a proper warmup is always necessary, as well as some basic strength training. I want to commit to doing some kind of exercise at least every other day. This includes walking 10,000 steps, playing tennis, doing planks, or a bike ride on my stationary bike. My posture hasn’t been great either, so I’ll be doing some back exercises to help me be more upright throughout the day. Finally, I want to keep up with my diet/and how I eat. I have all the ingredients for my protein shakes, and I recently got some supplements that I think will be helpful as well. 

There are more things I’ll be changing and tweaking, but this hopefully gives you a good start to the process. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers, it’s just what is right for you, right now.

I’d love to hear from you. How’s your year been so far? Would you like some support? Please feel free to reach out. Here's to an even better second quarter.

Kevin Koo

Kevin Koo is a professional coach who specializes in personal, business, and leadership development. Contact him at


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