The Silver Bullet - Is There One Right Answer?

Happy July! How’s the start of the second half of the year? Making good progress? Have you attended any good workshops or programs to boost your success this year? If you’re like me, you’ve been attending different in-person and virtual events to move the needle. If you’re also like me, you probably expected that one of these events would have been the answer to your problem already…. That’s our focus for today. How do we find the right event or workshop? Or is there actually a “right” event or workshop?

I’ve been in the personal development space for at least 8 years now. When I first started going to events, I didn’t understand why people kept going back to the same event, year after year. I used to think, “they must not have learned what the organizers taught.” Then I started going to events that had different speakers each time, and my thought turned into, “the variety must be why people keep coming back.” 

What I knew about these events was that they were a source of inspiration. However, inspiration wasn’t enough to change behavior. I knew this from personal experience. So I got really confused as to why people kept going back (and I only knew they were coming back because I went back!), especially since these events are not cheap. I even met people who really seemed to know what they were doing. Surely they didn’t need to keep coming to these events, right? 

One day, I was watching a video from a mentor of mine and he said something that made things click for me. He said that the problem is that we think it’s just one course, program, book, etc. that will solve our problems. The fact that we think one thing will fix everything is a false assumption. The reality is that there are things that you gain from each event that will help you land on the path that’s meant for you.

What does that mean? Well, let me share a story. A few years ago, when I was coaching tennis, I had the opportunity to teach a private lesson to this wonderful student. She was playing a lot of senior leagues in the area, mostly playing doubles. She wanted to learn how to hit a slice serve because she had not been able to do it after all these years. Fortunately, I was able to provide her with a drill that helped it click for her. Do you know what she said? “This lesson alone made it worth all the money I’ve spent over the years.”

You see, it wasn’t actually the drill that worked really well, it was the journey she had been on that allowed the drill to work well. If she hadn’t had all the previous lessons on the slice serve, she probably wouldn’t have caught on to the drill I taught her. If she hadn’t kept showing up for lessons over the years, she probably wouldn't have asked for the lesson with me. If she hadn’t kept playing tennis all those years, she wouldn’t have wanted to learn how to hit a slice serve.

So there really isn’t just one thing, book, course, class, workshop, etc. that will get you to the next level. It’s going to take all the things you have and can do that will get you to the next level. Each step will provide you with a deeper level of understanding that will allow you to move forward a little bit more. 

If there were a silver bullet or a guarantee that you’ll succeed? 

Keep showing up. 

See you at the next one! 

Coach Kev helps people find calm, clarity, and confidence in their life while planning his next event. Contact him, or follow on IG and YouTube @kevinkoocoaching and come meditate with him at

Kevin Koo

Kevin Koo is a professional coach who specializes in personal, business, and leadership development. Contact him at


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