Today’s a Gift, That’s Why It’s Called the Present

Happy November! This is usually a time to focus on the festivities and happy occasions… but it can also be a time of stress because maybe we haven’t made it to where we wanted to be, whether it be this month, year, or even in this lifetime.

Fall is also a time where we are reminded there is an end to everything. With the leaves turning orange and yellow, and falling to the ground, it can feel like the end is around the corner. To a certain extent, there is truth in the end, but as with all things, after winter, we come into spring and a new life is reborn. It may seem a little early, but today, I wanted to look at change. More specifically, I wanted to deepen this perspective through the lens of time.

When it comes to time, we have the past, present and future. Now let’s say you run into a problem. This problem probably reminds you of other problems you’ve had in the past. And so, your decision-making process to resolve the problem is based in the past. For example, let’s say you wake up and you feel tired. You remember that in the past, when you drank coffee, it helped you wake up. Making the decision to drink coffee in the morning is because of a past event. Let’s label this the known past. 

Now when you repeatedly run into a problem, and you repeatedly resolve the problem in the same way, that repeated behavior becomes a habit. The thing with habits is when you do the thing you’ve repeatedly done, you know what result to expect in the future. So, when you wake up and drink that first sip of coffee, you expect to feel more awake and energetic. Because you know what will happen, you technically know what the future holds. Let’s call this the known future. 

So somewhat surprisingly, the past, as well as the future, are known. Also, surprisingly, the present is unknown because it is the only time you can change what you do.

But drinking coffee probably isn’t a problem, is it? Maybe instead of drinking coffee, it’s drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, or some other substance. It could even be something like people pleasing or putting up with the boredom of day-to-day life when you’re wanting something more exciting.

Since the present moment is the only place in time that is unknown, this becomes your chance to change the trajectory of your life. If you’re looking to become healthier, now is the moment you choose to drink water instead of soda. If you’re looking to create financial independence, maybe it’s time to pick up a side gig. Maybe you’re retired and you’ve played as much pickleball as you can take… you can start a business or find a job that stimulates you in just the right way.

There are so many ways that we can and want to change, but since I have your attention right now, what do you really want to change? What do you need to get to the present? How can you focus on that for the next couple of months before the year comes to an end? How different would your life look with that focus? More importantly, how would you feel knowing you put that effort into something you truly cared about regardless of your age, financial status, or life situation? Reach out and let me know what you decide, you know where to find me! 

Coach Kev helps people find calm, clarity, and confidence in their life while staying present whenever possible. Contact him at, or follow on IG and YouTube @kevinkoocoaching and come meditate with him at

Kevin Koo

Kevin Koo is a professional coach who specializes in personal, business, and leadership development. Contact him at


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