Tutor Training with Literacy Plus

In these pandemic days of fear and uncertainty, our return to normalcy can be encouraged by helping others. Anyone who agrees, might consider Tutor Training with Hayward’s Literacy Plus.

This training is coming up in January, and gives English speakers a chance to help our diverse population by improving people’s English literacy skills—vital to employment and becoming a contributing member of our community.

You must complete an online New Tutor Orientation and Training course AND attend two live, interactive Zoom Sessions.

If you are at least 18 years old, speak clear English, and have good reading and writing skills, here’s how:

 • January 4 – self-guided Online Tutorial Orientation begins (1 hour, in your own time.)

 • January 25 – Live Zoom Orientation Session, 10 am-11:30 am OR

 • January 26, 5:30 pm-7 pm. (Choose one date to attend.)

Once orientation is complete, take the Online Tutor Training Self-Guided Tutorial. (2 hours, in your own time.)

Live Zoom Tutor Training Session – February 5, 10 am to 12 pm.

Helping others, and changing a person’s life, feels good. If interested, you may RSVP. Call: 510-881-7910 or email: literacyplus@hayward-ca.gov. You may fill out an application at: https://bit.ly/LitPlusTraining


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