Honoring All Those Who Have ‘Stepped Up’ for Our Country
Dear Editor,
As we remember for the 20th year of the attack on our Great Country on September 11, 2001, we believe it is important to honor all of those who “stepped up” to do what they could to help our Great Country respond and heal, including our local First Responders as well as the military.
In Castro Valley we had many respond, including Ken Carbone, a well-known name in our community for his work locally and county wide, as he formed “Castro Valley for Humanity” printing and selling Patriotic T-shirts with 100% of the profit going to help those in need. Ken worked hard with local leaders and community members to raise funds to help in the recovery, including hosting an evening at Redwood Canyon (then Willow Park) to help our country and community heal. Through Ken’s leadership, $27,350.95 was raised to benefit the New York Firefighter’s Fund and the Red Cross of America. For more information about this great project, please visit www.mycastrovalley.com/news/CV4humanity.
Thank you, Ken, for your local example of leadership in response to the attack on 9/11.
–Bruce D. and Linda Lee Johnson, Castro Valley