Reflect the Broad Spectrum of Opinions

Dear Editor,

Thank you for the letters published in the Dec. 28th edition of the Castro Valley Forum.  I have been distressed recently by the hate-filled letters that the Forum has published.  While I believe in freedom of the press, I was beginning to fear that those anti-trans letters were a reflection of the editors’ opinions.  I am relieved to see the Forum publish the letters of Kim Kean, Kathleen Scheidel, CL Cady, Michael Kusiak and Angela Shipp, in support of trans women.  I especially appreciate Shipp’s letter calling for fact-checking the content of letters you publish.  Opinion is one thing, falsehood another.

Please continue to have the Forum’s Letters to the Editor reflect the broad spectrum of (reality-based) opinions that make Castro Valley a vibrant community.

–Mary Cooper, Castro Valley


Allow All Sides to be Heard


It Needs to Stop… On Both Sides