I Rest My Case

Once again MAGA supporters Ken Owen and Claudia Antonucci ignore the many despicable acts and comments of Donald Trump and rail on as if they never happened. They have no defense for his complicity in the January 6th riot at the Capital, no defense of Trump’s having to pay millions to a women he was found guilty of sexually molesting, no mention of his being found guilty of major tax fraud by a jury. No comment of Trump’s admitting he would be a dictator, and his open admiration for autocrats such as Victor Orban and Vladamir Putin, and more recently exposed, his naive comment about Hitler. Not a word about Trump stealing sensitive government records and obstructing justice in their return.  No comment about Trump trying to extort information from the president of Ukraine in exchange for weapons support, and on and on.  With regard to my previous comments about MAGA supporters denial of Trump’s faults….reading these two individual’s comments… I rest my case.

–Robert S Thomas, Castro Valley


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