Let’s Try ONE Last Time...
My reply to my latest accuser - then I am done. I feel like a broken record here. Let’s try ONE last time...
“Phobic” is a Greek suffix implying irrational fear. My views are based on facts only and not on fear. ZERO. Pride cannot accept this simple truth.
“Hateful” is deliberately misappropriated in the same fashion. I will never hate anyone simply because we disagree, no matter how dear the topic.
“Violent” - now that’s desperate. I take great care every day to harm no one. Stating facts and holding valid opinions based on those facts is NOT violent behavior. “Pride” can’t seem to justify itself and finds it easier to conduct baseless ad hominem attacks maligning those who disagree. “Pride” should run for office!
My politics trend Libertarian, so I am happy to let you live your life however you see fit - why not? Go for it! Pretend you’re...whatever makes you happy. It won’t bother me... until you want me to validate your fallacy, renounce my logical viewpoints under threat of persecution, or send my 14yo daughter into a locker room so your biologically male offspring can watch her undress. Then I strongly protest. Be you - but allow others the same privilege.
Instead of merely insulting others, why don’t you explain how the mechanism of belief alters biology in humans? There are fish, insects and reptiles that change sex (not by declaration, but epigenetically)
and usually under high levels of environmental stress (not a good thing!). I took college anthropology, biology and chemistry, but somehow missed that topic. Please share!
Most of all - “Pride”, PLEASE stop persecuting and falsely accusing others of purely imagined motivations simply because they do not see things your way.
–Stacy Spink, Castro Valley