Mr. Gayle, The Forum Owe Women An Apology

To The Editor:

I cannot decided if I am more insulted by the ignorant and sexually discriminatory letter from Jack Gayle, or more hurt that it got past the editors of the Forum that chose to print such garbage.

What if a man had written the initial letter, Mr. Gayle? Would you then have brought up some kind of male issue? I think not. In the mind of the Jack Gayle’s of the world, guns are a man thing. Women should stick to “womens rights” , Period!

It’s the old “Archie Bunker” mentality.  In the eyes of Jack Gayle, men should make the rules of the 2nd Amendment, while women should stay in the kitchen and bake a cake. How insulting!

I sincerely doubt that Jack Gayle will see where he is wrong, for that is the way he was brought up. It is, in my opinion, the duty of the editors of the fine community paper, The Forum, to apologize to women everywhere for printing such a sexually bias letter.

–Christine Scott, Hayward


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