Permanently Terminate Quarry Project
Our community needs EBMUD to permanently terminate their Quarry Project on Lake Chabot Road. Now that Lake Chabot Road has partially opened from the Fairmont Ave. side, it is even more obvious that this very fragile road will never withstand 26,000 dump trucks a year! The hillsides show evidence of major mudslides and the road is sinking in some places. There is no timeline yet for when the San Leandro side of Lake Chabot Road will re-open as the damage there is even more extensive and more expensive to fix. And when it is fixed, to the tune of many millions of dollars, why on earth would Alameda County and San Leandro City taxpayers want to continue to pay for its repair from the damage EBMUD’s 16 ton dump trucks will cause? Regardless of the road condition, the Quarry site is not, and never has been, a feasible site to dump 3.6 million cubic yards of dirt. It is on the Hayward Fault and the ground is already unstable. EBMUD needs to research the feasibility of either using environmentally favorable pipe bursting technologies, currently in use in many other areas, or putting their much needed dirt in sea level projects, marsh restoration, and levy protections. Please plan to attend the Castro Valley MAC Meeting on Monday, May 15 at 6pm at the Castro Valley Library to provide your comments. Visit for more info. This project is on “hold” for now, but EBMUD needs to terminate this project permanently.
–Anne Cawood, San Leandro