Pride is Not Inclusive?

Dear Editor

To all the letter writers who say that Pride is not inclusive (CV Forum, October 19, 2022), perhaps you are taking a narrow-minded view of the issue that is being addressed by Pride, as well as Black Lives Matter, people with disabilities, mental illness, et al. Our country was founded on the principle that All Men Are Created equal, with the exception of women, people of color, and basically any person who was “different” from the straight, white, Christian, male, framers themselves. Although rumor has it that some framers were gay AND some were Atheists.

From the get go, people who are “different” have not been included and now these “different” folks are simply saying that they do not want to be excluded and want to be recognized. The issue has nothing to do with flags, or beliefs in gods or statements in bibles or commandments, but simply to bring awareness to our discriminatory past and to allow folks to say that “we belong, too”. Cherry picking ridiculous examples is not helpful. Have some compassion for those who have heretofore been excluded from society. Wouldn’t that be the so-called “Christian” thing to do?

As for the letter writer who states that “Christians and Jews are being discriminated against”, Christians have done the majority of the persecuting and discriminating against the Jewish people throughout history and continuing to this day. Comparing these two religions as both being discriminated against is laughable.

–Leo Perchat, Castro Valley


Fox News


Inclusiveness: Equal Opportunity Tears