Verbal Threats Based on Hatred is More Than “Rude and Mean”
The verbal violence of Proud Boys at the San Lorenzo Library’s Drag Queen Story Hour threatened children, families, library staff and Panda Dulce, the reader. Describing these actions as “rude and mean” (Adam Balbo’s June 29th letter) makes light of the violence and harm that was caused. Balbo seemed to justify the hatred and intimidation that targeted children and families who chose to participate in the library event. In 2021, there were 46 reported incidents of hate crimes toward transgender community members in California and 373 offenses of hate crimes based on sexual orientation (see the State of California’s 2021 Hate Crime in California”). The incident at the library harmed far more people than only Panda Dulce that day. It harmed the families, children, staff at the library as well as all community members who were reminded of the risk they face by people who feel free to use hatred in this way. Clearly, Balbo is uncomfortable with inclusive gender expression and believes it is a disagreement about a matter of “public decorum” (whether people should be allowed to dress in a way that reflects their gender identity). The bottom line is that shouting hateful, intimidating slurs and threats are violent acts designed to threaten, silence and strike fear in our community. Those actions were hostile and making light of the harm, as Balbo’s letter did, sends the message to our community members that this violence is acceptable. It is not acceptable and should not be tolerated or excused.
–Rebecca Toporek, Castro Valley