Victims of Crime are the Ones Being Punished

Can anyone explain to me the premise behind this fascination with not punishing criminals? The urgency in releasing thousands of felons from prisons, repeat offender felons, etc. Our governor just released 76k felons from jail. How is this even legal? A judge sentenced them. His agenda says that he has the intention of closing 5 prisons in California.when I read the postings on the Next door app. It's continous theft of cars, catalytic converters., smash and grab vehicle thefts. Criminals stealing large amounts of things out of local stores. So many that there are not enough officers to answer the calls. My neighbor had her wheels and tires stolen off her car one night. It was $5,000. To replace. If we don't punish the small crimes, it's all going to escalate to larger crimes. I am sure there are people who have been treated unfairly. I am sure there are some inequalities. The victims of crime are the ones who are being punished. I am sure you can respond without attacks. We are ALL VICTIMS of CRIME.

–Trish Desloover, Castro Valley


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