Was That an ‘Insurrection?’
Dear Editor,
For a full year, Democrats have been falsely labeling the Jan 6 protest, “an insurrection.” Now we know why.
Democrats are trying to set up a legal trick, to block President Trump from getting elected President again.
The 14th amendment says that anyone who is guilty of “insurrection” against the USA, is barred from holding public office. This amendment was passed right after the Civil War, to prevent rebels like Jefferson Davis from becoming president or senator.
The Civil War was a true “insurrection.” Several states refused to recognize the authority of the US government. They attacked the U.S. army, and they started the Civil War, which killed more Americans than all our other wars combined. That’s what a true “insurrection” looks like. The 14th amendment was never intended to apply to a political protest, such as Jan 6, 2021.
That explains why none the 8,000 protesters have been charged with “insurrection.” Most of them are rotting in jail for “trespassing.” Why in no one getting charged with “insurrection?” Obviously it’s because none of them actually tried to “overthrow” the US government. None of them actually attempted an “insurrection.” Only a Democrat could pretend that an idiot wearing a horned hat and a bathing suit is the modern equivalent of General Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia.
The fact that the Jan 6 protest happened at Capitol Hill does not magically turn the protest into an “insurrection.” Nothing in the Constitution says that Capitol Hill is “sacred ground.” Please stop lying Democrats. We all know why you are calling the Jan 6 protest an “insurrection.”
–Peter Hauer, Castro Valley