We Urge a Vote for Jennifer Esteen

As a member of the Castro Valley Democratic Club (CVDC), I am proud of our Club’s support for Jennifer Esteen for Supervisor, District 4. Jennifer Esteen is a fresh young voice, a local resident who is energetic and qualified. She is committed to attack the three-pronged blight of homelessness, mental health and crime that has become significantly worse in Alameda County under our current supervisor. She has endorsements of many local equality and justice groups and has been rated CLEAN for campaign donations by Courage California!

The Club’s history with Supervisor Miley has been long, and for years the Club and Nate were in synch. Since his last election, the Club and Miley have had a number of differences. We used to march along with Nate in the Rodeo Parade until we decided as a group not to support two of the Rodeo’s events; wild cow milking and mutton busting. A member of our club that is a veterinarian technician (i.e. veterinarian nurse) felt these events were animal abuse. After we took that position, Nate Miley no longer wanted us to march with him! Since then, these two events have been banned as animal cruelty (2019 & 2022); CVDC was ahead of its time.

So why else did Miley reject us? Because he has financial supporters in the conservative agricultural industry that donate to his campaigns. Previously, Miley defended the “right” of ranchers to do fracking for natural gas during the campaign to ban fracking in Alameda County. Most of our Club members supported Yesenia Sanchez for sheriff in the last election but Nate endorsed her opponent, a Republican. Our Club’s bylaws state that we may only endorse Democrats. We wish Miley would do the same. Let’s vote for change we need, we urge a vote for Jennifer Esteen.

–David Siegel, Castro Valley


Thank You, Robert Thomas!


We Should Re-elect Nate Miley