What Gas “Rebates” ?

Dear Editor,

While the headlines and politicians shout “Gas Rebates of $350-$1050”, it is anything but a “rebate”.  By definition, a rebate is a sum on money that is returned to a customer on completion of a transaction. This “free money” is a gift for anyone who filed in California in 2020 and lived here for 6 months in 2020. It doesn’t matter what you paid at the pump, if you even have a gas driven vehicle, or even if you live in California now!  Texans will be getting California “free money”.

This legislative disinformation should be banned from dissemination.  We scream at Twitter, Facebook, and others when they simply post disinformation.  Our governor and legislature are sponsoring it.  

And, sadly, there were simple ways to provide money back/savings to people who buy gasoline at the pumps.  Offer a short-term elimination of the high California gas tax and/or have the DMV determine who gets the money based on the gas-driven cars in a household. Another thought would be to allow the gas companies to use a “winter blend” gas which is cheaper to make and consistent with the rest of the country. But, that wouldn’t provide the “free money” to people who filed in 2020 (before the gas price surge).

Finally, instead of helping those paying high prices for gasoline, our governor is calling for a “windfall tax” on gas companies. More money to go into the financial bucket called state revenue.  When will we wake up and recognize that Sacramento is only interested in getting themselves re-elected (or advance to the Presidency)?

–Robert Harley, Castro Valley


RE: ‘Down Ballot’ Elections


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