Business Input Sought in County Workforce Survey

Alameda County employment officials are seeking feedback from unincorporated businesses to determine what employee skills are critical now and better prepare the East Bay's workforce for the rest of the decade.

A 20-question online survey that closes this Friday is expected to help county officials understand business needs and explore potential collaborations between the county's Workforce Development Board (ACWDB) and the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) program. Survey results are also expected to shape what types of non-profit grants are available starting in 2025 and lasting through 2030.

“This is the first time the county is actually getting feedback to inform and inspire requests for proposal (RFP),” said Elaine Alvite, a county education consultant. “It’s just to give people market intelligence and what employers and employees need because there’s a big need, and we're also focused on underserved populations.” 

The WIOA program focuses on providing opportunities for underserved groups such as women, veterans, low-income individuals, individuals with disabilities, unhoused individuals, former or current foster youth, individuals involved with the Department of Child Support Services, single parents, refugees/asylees, long-term unemployed, first-generation college students, LGBTQ+ individuals, people 55 and older, and people re-entering society from prison. 

Survey questions include, “What skills or qualifications do you look for in new hires?” “Do you provide opportunities for workers to develop skills and advance their careers?”  “What are the biggest challenges you face in finding qualified candidates?” “What emerging trends do you see in your industry that will impact your workforce needs?”

Kathrina Miranda, another county education consultant, said her team wants feedback specifically from the clients—not just what they might need in terms of the workforce but to fulfill career goals. 

“Think about under-employed employees,” Miranda said. “You have a job, but you need multiple jobs to live here, and there are just a lot of resources that people don’t know about. I think that's unfortunate because they think, ‘Oh, I have a job I don’t need to go to a workforce development program,’ Well, yeah, you do because you want to move up in your company or you want to make more money, or so you don’t have to work like three or four jobs and underemployed all. We’re not saying they’re not making a livable wage, but often there's no place for growth in any given company.”  

The link to the survey will be available up to this Friday, July 26 (

For more information on WIOA, visit their website (


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