Canyon Athletic Field Project Reviewed

The $14 million upgrade to the sports fields at Canyon Middle School has a few environmental issues to monitor as construction is scheduled to begin in February 2024, according to a report issued this month.

At its December 14 meeting, the Castro Valley Unified School District (CVUSD) Board of Trustees heard a presentation that identified six potential items to keep an eye on while the field north of the campus is renovated. Under state law, public agencies must analyze and disclose the environmental impacts of projects that physically affect the environment. 

Greg Goodfellow with Placeworks, who was hired to manage this project and the sports field project at Creekside Middle School, said the mitigation study of the project presented must be certified by CVUSD before project approval. 

“Given the size of this project, we’re going to have to assume that some of these impacts will be unavoidable,” Goodfellow said. “And that takes it one step further, whereas an environmental impact report would simply require alternatives to the project.” 

The six items include the potential dust created during construction, a survey of birds nesting in nearby trees, and the construction of buffers near active nests. If any were found, the work would stop, and naturalists would relocate the nests. The North Valley Yokuts Tribe has also agreed on a sensitivity training session before construction begins so that crews understand what to look for during construction, how to look for cultural items, and who to call if something is uncovered. 

“This is very sensitive land. This entire area is part of all Ohlone language groups that stretches down to Southern San Jose, and we respect that,” Goodman said. 

The public has until Tuesday, January 9, 2024, to make comments on the report. Construction of the proposed project is expected to last one year, ending in January 2025.

The 8.65-acre project includes replacing the grass with a synthetic turf field, adding a scoreboard, bleachers, a batting cage, two new backstops, a bullpen, and new fences. New stairs and accessible pathways with 14 pole-mounted lights with LED fixtures would also be added, and the temporary restroom would be replaced with a permanent facility. 

Hayward Area Recreation and Park District (HARD) and CVUSD will operate the fields and keep them open to the public.

In other School Board news, Michael Kusiak voted as Board President for 2024. Dolly Adams was voted in as Vice President, with Superintendent Parvin Ahmadi serving as board secretary.

Superintendent Ahmadi also noted that Eden Health District granted CVUSD $50,000 to help with funding for the Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center at the high school.


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