Correction: September 26 MAC Meeting Story

Our article entitled "MAC Meeting: Central Business District Plan Reviewed" requires a correction as the Castro Valley Municipal Advisory Committee (MAC) Board did not fully hear a report due to technical difficulties.


The MAC was expected to hear from a consultant contracted by the Alameda County Planning Department on the Downtown Specific Plan, but as CV MAC Chair Bill Mulgrew recounts, the meeting was canceled about 10 minutes after it started.

“The presenter… joined the meeting remotely to deliver her presentation,” Mulgrew said. “Because of technical difficulties, she was largely inaudible to the Council and to attendees in the room. The technical difficulties also impacted the people who joined the meeting via Zoom. A number of online attendees reported that they could hear the consultant but could not hear the Council, the Planning staff, or anyone in the room. After unsuccessful attempts to remedy the problems, the Council voted to continue the meeting to another date, to be determined.”

The Council also required that all future presenters be in the public meeting room to deliver their presentations, hopefully minimizing technical issues, and out of respect for the community members who make the time and effort to attend and participate in the meetings, Mulgrew added.

Beginning in the fall of 2022, the county has been focusing on the Castro Valley Central Business District Specific Plan (CVBDSP), part of the larger Castro Valley General Plan.

The goal is to determine the community's long-term vision for growth downtown.

The CVBDSP is currently in Phase II. More meetings are planned, and the eventual adoption of the plan is tentatively set for next winter. For updates and more information on the project, visit

The Forum apologizes for any misunderstanding about the September 26 report.


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